The Standard Model - A single 30 day run

First, enter a Starting Mass for your fish. Then select a Year, Site, and Month. These will be used to fill in Daphnia Density, Daphnia Size, Light Extinction Coefficient, Daphnia Distribution Curve, and Temperature Curve.
Clicking the "Apply Observed Values" button at this point will populate the Daphnia Density, Daphnia Size, Light Extinction Coefficient fields, although you can override these values by entering values into the "Using" fields.
If you would like to restrict either the temperatures or depths available to your fish, use the "Maximum Temperature", "Minimum Temperature", "Maximum Depth", and "Minimum Depth" fields Enter temperatures in degrees celsius, and depths in meters.
Be aware that restricting temperature or depth can lead to the fish having no available habitat. This kills the model.
Next, you may choose to override the observed Daphnia Distribution or Temperature curves with either our observed data from a different Year/Site/Month combination, by using the Daphnia and Temperature Year/Site/Month dropdowns, or by uploading custom curves using our temperature and daphnia csv templates.
Optionally, you can enter an elevation to be used to estimate, given the input parameters, the population at which density dependent interactions are expected.
Finally, enter a tab label to help keep track of your runs, and hit submit to run the model.
Here are the default values used if all fields are left blank:
- Starting Mass = 20
- Year = 2015
- Site = Fall Creek
- Month = June